This LEGAL NOTICE intends to regulate the relationship between this website and its users to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, the general information data of this website is indicated below:

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    • Address : BARCELONA.
    • Contact :
    • CIF: B67450080
  1. Area of application

This document includes the general conditions applicable to access, navigation and general use of the web content. Likewise, the responsibility for the use of any content included in this website is included, which includes texts, designs, photographs, logos, music, databases and, in general, any creation capable of being protected by national and international laws. .

Users are understood as any person who browses, accesses or uses any of the pages, services, utilities or activities in general included in this website.

The mere use of this portal or access to it by any user implies acceptance of the general conditions indicated below, so the user must carefully read the content of these general conditions.

Through this website it will be possible to access certain services, web pages and, in general, activities managed by third parties not related to this website, so the applicable general conditions will be those indicated by said third parties.

  1. Intellectual and industrial property rights

This website has the intellectual and industrial exploitation rights licenses for all the content available within this portal. Access by users to the content does not, of course, imply transmission, waiver and, in general, modification of any of the exploitation licences.

Consequently, the reproduction, copying, reuse, exploitation, transmission by any means, modification or distribution of all or part of the contents of this website is not allowed, without the written authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights. Likewise, the content is offered solely and exclusively to end users, so any commercial use of the content of the portal without the written authorization of the owner of the aforementioned site is prohibited.

In general, access to the contents of this website is free of charge, although some of the services and content may require user registration or be subject to the acceptance of particular conditions that will be clearly indicated. In general, any personal data that may be requested on this website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on personal data.

  1. Users: registration and obligations

The user must proceed with their registration to access certain content and services on this website, for which they must provide the information requested for registration. The user is responsible for providing only truthful information and making responsible use and custody of the username and password provided when necessary to access said services and content. Likewise, you must communicate with due diligence to the managers of this website any incident, theft, loss or misuse of the username and password that have been assigned to you.

Likewise, the user declares and guarantees that any information sent by himself to this website does not infringe intellectual, industrial, trademark or, in general, any right that may be protected by national or international legislation. The user exempts this website from any responsibility for the information sent by himself to this website.

  1. Third Party Information and Links

On this website there may be links to other portals and web pages through buttons, banners, links and other means, which are not managed by this website, for which this website does not assume any type of responsibility for the content of said portals. or third party websites.

The portals and websites that wish to establish a link with this website must comply with the following rules:

    • No identifying elements of this website should be used in the link, unless authorized in writing by the owner of the website.
    • The link must be directed solely and exclusively to the main or Home page of this website, unless expressly authorized in writing. Links to other pages of this website are not allowed.
    • In particular, the presentation of a page or part of it within the framework of another web page using the technique known as “framing” is prohibited.
    • The link must be complete, without modifications and must completely cover the content of the main page of this website.
    • Links to this website are not authorized from pages that, in general, contain elements against morality, public order and generally accepted social norms.
  1. Guarantee

This website is not responsible for the veracity, integrity or updating of the information that is not of its own elaboration and for which another source is indicated, nor for that contained in other websites through a hyperlink or link, provided to the user as alternative sources of information. information, which will be governed by the terms and conditions of use that for this purpose are required by the owners of said websites, for which this website does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned informations.

This website reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the website named on the legal notice page.

This website has proceeded to adopt the pertinent measures to minimize the risk of viruses and other harmful elements for users, but even so it cannot guarantee:

    • The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on this website or on the server that supplies it.
    • The invulnerability of this website and/or the impregnability of the security measures adopted on it.
    • The consequences generated by the violation of the security systems of this website.
    • The damages or losses generated to any person by violating the conditions, rules and instructions that this website establishes.
    • This website may modify these general conditions, totally or partially, at any time, publishing the modifications directly or communicating it to the users through any type of communication. Therefore, the general conditions will be in force only and exclusively during their exhibition period.
  1. Generalities and jurisdiction

If there are discrepancies between the particular conditions of any specific service or content and the general conditions, those corresponding to the specific service or content will prevail.

If any provision were considered, totally or partially, null or inapplicable by the corresponding judicial or administrative body, the rest of the provisions of the general conditions would remain in force.

The non-exercise or execution of any right or provision of these general conditions by this website does not imply a waiver thereof, except by written agreement between the parties.

The parties, the owner of this website and the users, expressly waive any jurisdiction that may correspond to them and submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals.

  1. Anonymous Users

This website keeps certain information of the users and/or companies that access and that do not carry out the registration and identification process, that is, user and/or companies and/or anonymous companies. The detail of said information is as follows:

    • IP address and domain name of the Internet access provider. In this way we can compile statistics on the countries and servers that visit our website most often.
    • The date and time of access to this website, to carry out statistical analysis of influx and avoid saturation problems.
    • The Internet address from which the link leading to our website originated.
    • Sections visited by users and/or companies and/or anonymous companies.

The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific, identified or identifiable user and/or company.