This website includes a variety of elements to comply with the requirement established by the DIGITAL KIT for the section “Website and basic Internet presence” of Accessibility: “the design must meet the level AA conformance criteria of the WCAG Guidelines -2.1”.

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->

<script async src=></script>


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}

gtag('js', new Date());


gtag('config', 'G-0WL5KNMXQF');


These elements include:

  1. WP Accessibility Helper, a plugin that can be installed from . This plugin allows you to adjust the following elements:
  • Skip the links menu.
  • Add a button to reset the font size when the option to change the script base font size is selected.
  • Jump to a specific link within the accessibility sidebar.
  • Change the font size using REM, ZOOM or SCRIPT.
  • DOM Scanner – A tool that checks pages for accessibility errors, such as the presence of the “alt” attribute, titles, and link roles, among others.
  1. Customization of colors for contrast mode.
  2. Lights off mode.
  3. Contrast mode that covers a wide range of colors.
  4. Disabling CSS files to display the page in pure HTML.
  5. Underlining of all links.
  6. Highlighting of all links.
  7. Attachment control center that allows you to add and edit image titles and alt tags.
  8. Shortcut Alt+Z to open the accessibility sidebar.
  9. Alt+X shortcut to close the accessibility sidebar.
  10. Management of all attached images from a single place using AJAX functions.
  11. Use of the “role=link” attribute for each link tag.
  12. Elimination of the “title” attribute of the links.
  13. Keyboard navigation
  14. HTML5 bookmark control center.
  15. Contrast mode saving using user cookies.
  16. Deletion of cookie selections.
  17. Hide elements for mobile devices.
  18. Possibility of positioning the sidebar to the left or to the right.
  19. Grayscale image controls.
  20. Controls for light and dark themes.
  21. Font family controls (safe combinations of CSS fonts for the web).
  22. Inversion of colors and image mode.
  23. Option to remove CSS animations.
  24. Option to use a human readable font (quick switch to the Arial font family).
  25. Widgets sortable by drag and drop.
  26. Alternative text in the pictures.